Starlink Wipes Out Indonesia from Investment List


The Starlink satellite operator, SpaceX, has failed to operate in Indonesia due to objections about meeting certain regulations. The Communications and Information Technology Ministry's Director General of Public Information and Communications Usman Kansong said Starlink's presence in Indonesia is still pending or unclear. "They are reportedly objecting to meeting some of the requirements we have proposed," he said, as quoted by Bisnis Indonesia on Oct 24.

Starlink was rumoured to enter Indonesia as a direct provider of telecommunications and internet services. This news emerged after Starlink's official website labelled a map of Indonesia with the text 'Starting in 2024.' There was even a note for consumers who wished to make reservations for US$9, with the deposit being refunded if they decided not to subscribe. However, SpaceX has included a disclaimer that the service in Indonesia depends on government approval.

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